Robin Place Mats all around the table.

A closer view.
As I set the table for the picture, I realized how special many of the items were to me that I chose to set out.

This ivory coffee cup with an elegant raised rose pattern is part of a very old and beautiful set from my father's side of the family. When the dishes were handed down to me there were 12 plates and 15 cups and saucers. I used the plates daily when I was first married. I hate to admit it, but I did not treat any of the pieces with much care, but somehow I still have 12 plates and 15 cups and saucers. Now I treat them so well that they are rarely set out.

The antique tablecloth is a recent find from a local antique shop and I just love it.
A few years back I spotted a beautiful antique glass petite cake stand at an antique store I was visiting with my mother. The stand was very expensive and I said to my mother that I wished I was rich enough to buy it. I left the store pouting because it was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen. It was not in my budget, so I did not think about the cake stand again. However, the very next Christmas I opened a gift from my parents and sure enough, inside was the cake stand. I couldn't believe it. Every time I look at the cake stand I am reminded of just how much it means to me that my mother remembered just how much I loved it and made sure I had it.
Well, I could go on and on about beautiful things...
Until next time,