Hello and welcome to my first blog entry. Please check back for new products, new ideas, special events and upcoming show dates. Also, I will include beautiful things that inspire me. The early 1900s tapestry pictured below was hung in the living room of my childhood home. This was my first inspiration piece. It now hangs in my living room. As a child, I would stare at it for hours.

I use to be an avid needlepointer. I was especially fond of needlework that featured Victorian-inspired animals. This led to researching Victorian imagery and finally to Victorian papers. Much of my antique paper collection consists of images from the pages of Victorian-era scrapbooks that have been safely tucked away in family attics and bookcases until they find their way to an estate sale, antique store or eBay. These images are so beautiful and I wanted to find a way to share these with others. Then one day I was looking through a decoupage book by a British artist and I knew exactly how to keep these beautiful images alive. Decoupage. With the help of technology, I make prints of the original images. Below is one of my creations featuring various Victorian images from my collection.

I have developed a special process to age each piece. With this technique, no two pieces are exactly alike. My goal is to age each piece in a consistently inconsistent way. I love the result.
More decoupage to come.